Uçakta Kabin İçi, Online ve ihtiyaçlarınıza göre Özelleştirilmiş reklam
yöntemleriyle markanıza yeni bir yol sunuyor, hedef kitlenizle etkileşim
biçiminizde ölçülebilir bir değişim vaat ediyoruz.
Ads On The Aircraft
Inflight TV Screening
In-flight TV can be used in creative ways. For your target audience consisting of Mira passengers, your advertisement film placed on in-flight TV screens before take-off and/or after landing establishes strong communication with the target audience.
Considering the physical structure of private jets and the comfort of private jet travel, the claim that the focus of passengers has increased immensely makes sense. The effect of the advertisements presented on the TV screen comes from this interaction power.
Printed Materials and Promotional Items
Print ads continue to be seen as the most reliable form of promotion. Especially thanks to the comfort provided by private flights, most of the passengers directly access, remember and store the printed material on the plane.
Experiential advertising campaigns offer unique opportunities for your brand to create positive associations in inflight advertising. Your advertising and promotional products, planned in line with your marketing strategies, leave a lasting impression on passengers and create brand awareness.
Online Advertising Method
Banner & E-Newsletters
Through Mira Aviation web pages and applications; We enable you to reach a unique and unique target audience for your brand. While your banner ads increase the organic traffic of your pages or application, they offer the opportunity to move your brand to an unrivaled position in the competition. The result performance of the ads appearing on Mira pages and applications is measured with a report specific to your brand.
Considering the passenger profile of Mira Aviation, it would be fair to say how valuable an e-bulletin list is. Mira Ads sends your brand, product, service, and message to an e-mail list of 20,000+, and the resulting performance is communicated with a report specific to your brand.
Social Media
Through Mira Aviation’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube accounts; We enable you to reach a unique and unique target audience for your brand.
While increasing the organic traffic of your pages or application through social media, offers the opportunity for your brand to meet a brand new audience.
Sosyal Medya reklamlarının performansı diğer kampanyalar gibi detaylı bir raporla ölçülmektedir.
Customized Advertising Method
Campaign-Specific Projecting
Mira Ads has developed advertising methods with 20 years of experience gained from worldwide aviation activities within Mira Aviation, as well as taking into account the profile of private jet owners and especially passengers.
Mira Ads, which opens a new path for your brand and promises a measurable change in the way you interact with your target audience, shares this experience with you and customizes its advertising opportunities according to your campaign.
Agency Support
Collaborating with the world’s best advertising agencies, Mira shares this global power with its customers.
We can create all the advertising materials your brand needs, from corporate advertising films to product advertisements, from web design to graphic design and mobile applications. You can also get consultancy from our team on promotional products and printed materials.